www.spiritualclassifieds.org - spiritualclassifieds.org


Interested in advertising your banner with us?

banner advertisement

Rotating web banner placements are located on strategic, high-traffic pages on the website. By hovering over the ad, you stop the rotation and can click on the image, which is linked to the advertiser’s website.

Maximize Your Brand's Reach with our New Prime Advertising Space!

Unlock unparalleled visibility for your brand by advertising with Spiritual Classifieds! Our new rotating web banner placement is strategically positioned under every page heading except our homepage, guaranteeing maximum exposure on high-traffic pages. With the ability to pause the rotation and click directly through to your website, this prime advertising space ensures that your message captures the attention of our engaged audience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your brand and reach new heights with Spiritual Classifieds!

Reserve Your Space

Three Month Ad Pack

$200 USD

Single Ad

Rotating Banner

250 x 500

3 Months


Link to your page

Reserve Your Space

Six Month Ad Pack

$300 USD

Single Ad

Rotating Banner

250 x 500

6 Months


Link to your page

Reserve Your Space

Nine Month Ad pack

$400 USD

Single Ad

Rotating Banner

250 x 500

9 Months


Link to your page

Reserve Your Space

Three Month Ad Pack

$100 USD

Rotating Banner

250 x 250

3 Months


Link to your page

Reserve Your Space

Six Month Ad Pack

$200 USD

Rotating Banner

250 x 250

6 Months


Link to your page

Reserve Your Space

Nine Month Ad Pack

$300 USD

Rotating Banner

250 x 250

9 Months


Link to your page

Reserve Your Space

*If you are not a member of Spiritual Classifieds but are interested in promoting your banner with us, please choose your preferred advertisement purchase by clicking on  "Reserve Your Space" above and clicking on "Buy it Now". 

Note: Banner Purchase accounts are FREE and only for that purpose, this account won't be public for visitors to see your profile. For public profiles, please choose one of the different level memberships we offer for that purpose.

Payments will default to credit cards on file. 

All ad packs are subject to change.  Renewal waitlists may apply.

Spiritual Classifieds is not involved in any business dealings between members and guests (including B2B) other than introducing and showcasing the members in our directory.